Wednesday, 20 June 2012

#18 Irony

So mom, as you and I were sitting in your room yesterday (ok, I was laying on the bed and you were in your wheels) we had a chance to discuss a few things.

It was about the rumours I had heard.  You know that rumours can be lightning rods?

Well, I heard that on Tuesday night you had been walking around, pushing your wheelchair into things and yellling "HELP ME!"   So, what's with that?   

Ahh, so it IS true!   You were in your hell place again. 


The necessary once every 7 days ECT treatment?  Well, what is the problem?  We (you) were promised that you would receive it.   13 days in between treatments?   Really?

It would appear someone dropped the ball.  Too bad that ball has a name.

Audrey Charlotte Walmsley

And a face:

although today that face looked closer to:

Except that today you couldn't open your eyes.  You were asleep and I couldn't wake you but for 2 seconds when you saw me and smiled.  Then back to sleep.
It's hard to stay awake when your mind has been up for days.

This scarf (another cowl) has a silver thread running through parts of it.  Sorta like life eh mom?

But, here's the irony.  The reason that there was a mess up with your treatment (The treatment that you MUST have every 7 days in order to stay away from Hell Time)?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather, Dawn Lambert here—from 6115 Elgin Ave! It's been a long time. You Mom was like a second mom to me, I'm so sorry that she is going through such a tough journey. Thinking of you.
