Thursday, 14 June 2012

#22 - On The Road Again - The Travelling Scarf

It's not like you never got to go anywhere...

but seriously?  why did we never do a Mumu intervention?

Las Vegas - back in the day or what?!


back to Hawaii

many many many cruises

another location (another mumu)



my goodness - you even travelled with friends of OURS! (Wayne & Marg on the same cruise as you and dad!)

and then there was your last cruise with dad - Hawaii..   Oh, how we worried about you when you were gone on this one.

But a good time was had by all!  You still travel.. though it's not quite the same.

Most of the time you sleep through these rides as they are early morning.  Waaayyy too early by your standards for sure.   6am departure times?  Seriously?  And you're not even headed to YVR!  Only Peace Arch, or RCH, or...... wait for it....  DELTA HOSPITAL for ECT!  

On Friday December 16th mom got her 2nd consult to be considered for ECT at Delta Hospital.  If you need a refresher on this one, check out scarf # 8.
Same Doctor, different day.  Debbie and I were both along for the ride this time.  We shared with him why mom needed her ECT, why she needed it every 7 days, why she needed to come to Delta Hospital for her treatment.  He listened.  He agreed.   Mom will shuttle between Peace Arch and RCH until she can get slotted in for Delta sometime in January.  Such an answer to prayer ;)

Back to travel.

This scarf - was started in Coquitlam while mom was at Riverview. Then was knit upon in:


On a ferry
in an airport
on a plane
on the highway
in Nevada
in Arizona
in Washington
in Surrey
in Burnaby
in Victoria
at the Grand Canyon

Where will your next trip take you?   I'm hoping that heaven looks like

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