Monday, 25 June 2012

#17 She Got it From Her Momma

It's true.
When I say my momma is a "spicy momma" I really do mean it.  Meet my Grandmother  "Nannie" as we called her.


My mom was raised by a fiesty mom.  Protective. Oh, and so so creative and funny.

- meet my Nannie's momma.  "Grannie"

Another very forward thinking lady.  She was the first person to build on the beach at Boundary Bay.  Back in the 20's....    Brilliant.  And spicy.

My momma and my Nannie.  When they were Mother and Daughter.


 Before they knew that they would both end up with Alzheimer's.
 Before they knew that Grannie would end up with Alzheimer's.

  Wouldn't it be nice if it skipped every 4th generation?   And then the 5th, and then the 6th...  Because I don't want this, my children don't want this, and my grandchildren won't want this.

just sayin.

 Let's work together.  Let's give the "smart people" (the researchers/doctors/scientists) the money so that they can do their jobs. 

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

#18 Irony

So mom, as you and I were sitting in your room yesterday (ok, I was laying on the bed and you were in your wheels) we had a chance to discuss a few things.

It was about the rumours I had heard.  You know that rumours can be lightning rods?

Well, I heard that on Tuesday night you had been walking around, pushing your wheelchair into things and yellling "HELP ME!"   So, what's with that?   

Ahh, so it IS true!   You were in your hell place again. 


The necessary once every 7 days ECT treatment?  Well, what is the problem?  We (you) were promised that you would receive it.   13 days in between treatments?   Really?

It would appear someone dropped the ball.  Too bad that ball has a name.

Audrey Charlotte Walmsley

And a face:

although today that face looked closer to:

Except that today you couldn't open your eyes.  You were asleep and I couldn't wake you but for 2 seconds when you saw me and smiled.  Then back to sleep.
It's hard to stay awake when your mind has been up for days.

This scarf (another cowl) has a silver thread running through parts of it.  Sorta like life eh mom?

But, here's the irony.  The reason that there was a mess up with your treatment (The treatment that you MUST have every 7 days in order to stay away from Hell Time)?

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

#19 Pepper

Dogs come and go
so do fish, budgies, crows, cats, hamsters, gerbils etc. 

Mom loved/loves dogs.  Big dogs, little dogs. 

This dog

mom loved Pepper

Pepper went to sleep yesterday.  She was tired.  She was done. 

if you look at the picture above, really look at it..  Mom, Pepper got you.  She understood in her quiet way.   

 Smiley is wearing a scarf for you. 

You were lovely and we will miss you.

Monday, 18 June 2012

#20 The Bridge Bags (aka The Nana's)

Friends with a common goal...
Basically a motley crew, but such. good. friends.

Back in the day, when mom woke up in Burnaby one day; a "Homemaker".  Kids, dog, house in the suburbs.  PTA.  A little time on her hands perhaps?

The way it's told, is that one day, Mrs. McDougall (next door) and Mrs. Petit (one street over) and Mrs. House (same street as Mrs. Petit) all got arrested together.  
Ok, I made up the part of them being arrested together, but the other part is true!  They met as neighbors, they ended up friends.  And yes, they have first names; but for me they are always Mrs's.

Bridge.  Not the kind you cross over, but the kind you play with cards.

Every Wednesday morning they would get together for a game (or 2 or 3) of bridge.  That was the story anyway.  Turns out that it was Wednesday a couple of times a week.....

They yapped their brains out.  I can't imagine all the details of my life that those ladies were privy to!  Good thing they are all lovely!

They had fun together.   Mrs. House, now Mrs. Stevens.  A widowed mom of 5 boys (OMG).  They were little - she was brave. 

They travelled together - Reno this time

Mrs. McDougall and her travelled to Scotland together.

But most of all?   They played Bridge.

For years they played.  They played until Mom started having trouble remembering what cards had been played.  It must have been 10 years ago at least.  The friends mentioned it to her... she shut down.  Shut them out.  Didn't want to hear it. 

They are still her friends.

Mrs. Petit took 3 buses to go and visit her one day (more times than we know). 

I love you ladies.  Mom loves you too.  You are all still in her heart.

Thanks for being such great friends.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

#21 Grand (Meehan) Babies

How blessed!    To have so many grandkids that love you. 
From the time they were little...


K C & B

  till when they were older

when they grew tall (er)

they work in your garden still - even though you're not there...

they visit you - even though sometimes you're not there...

It's hard.  Lots of times it's really hard.  Hard for you to be you, hard for your grandkids to see you, but not be able to SEE YOU.

  sometimes there is a glimpse of the old you...  but lately not as much.

Alzheimer's steals so much. 
But it can NEVER, NEVER take away how much these guys love you.

Friday, 15 June 2012

How is this going to work?

Yes, I know that I'm not all done the 25... but I'm 99% there!  I will have all 25 scarves along with their stories on here before midnight December 31st!  

A few people have been asking how this is going to work. So I thought that I would fill you in now, just in case you have your eye on one particular scarf.  Remember though, you have yet to see 22,23,24 and 25!  

Here's the plan:

You can scroll through the blog to see the different scarves (#18 is already spoken for).

Email me at or post a comment on the blog, let me know if there is a specific scarf that you would like, or if you have no preference I'll pick one for you. 

Promise me that you will make a minimum $100 donation to the Alzheimer Society of BC.  You make your donation directly, either online, or by sponsoring someone in the Walk for Memories (January 2012), any which way you like....  Just make sure that you make a donation to fund Alzheimer's research. 

I will send you the scarf.

Thank you

Thursday, 14 June 2012

#22 - On The Road Again - The Travelling Scarf

It's not like you never got to go anywhere...

but seriously?  why did we never do a Mumu intervention?

Las Vegas - back in the day or what?!


back to Hawaii

many many many cruises

another location (another mumu)



my goodness - you even travelled with friends of OURS! (Wayne & Marg on the same cruise as you and dad!)

and then there was your last cruise with dad - Hawaii..   Oh, how we worried about you when you were gone on this one.

But a good time was had by all!  You still travel.. though it's not quite the same.

Most of the time you sleep through these rides as they are early morning.  Waaayyy too early by your standards for sure.   6am departure times?  Seriously?  And you're not even headed to YVR!  Only Peace Arch, or RCH, or...... wait for it....  DELTA HOSPITAL for ECT!  

On Friday December 16th mom got her 2nd consult to be considered for ECT at Delta Hospital.  If you need a refresher on this one, check out scarf # 8.
Same Doctor, different day.  Debbie and I were both along for the ride this time.  We shared with him why mom needed her ECT, why she needed it every 7 days, why she needed to come to Delta Hospital for her treatment.  He listened.  He agreed.   Mom will shuttle between Peace Arch and RCH until she can get slotted in for Delta sometime in January.  Such an answer to prayer ;)

Back to travel.

This scarf - was started in Coquitlam while mom was at Riverview. Then was knit upon in:


On a ferry
in an airport
on a plane
on the highway
in Nevada
in Arizona
in Washington
in Surrey
in Burnaby
in Victoria
at the Grand Canyon

Where will your next trip take you?   I'm hoping that heaven looks like