Wednesday, 1 August 2012

#10 Word of the day = Undulating

1. to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement: The flag undulates in the breeze.
2. to have a wavy form or surface; bend with successive curves in alternate directions.
3. (of a sound) to rise and fall in pitch: the wail of a siren undulating in the distance.

so we bend    

occassionally we wave

My goal is still to knit 25bluescarves.  With mom knitting a row on each.  or...  With mom knitting a couple of stiches on each.  Really depends on the day, sometimes she is justs too busy to knit.  25 scarves for 25 people to claim as their own.  25 scarves for 25 people to donate at least $100 to Alzeimer's research.

I do get a little carried away when I go into a yarn shop.  My local shop has a lot to look at.  but really, I must finish knitting the blue I already have! 

"bend with successive curves in alternate directions". sounds painful doesn't it? Alzheimer's hurts.

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