Funny thing... at certain moments in our lives time goes by so quickly. Milestones come and go and we barely have a chance to enjoy our days. At other times though, the clock seems to stand still.
Sometimes time does both. At the same time.
When I sit with my mom now, I can't decide if this is her, or who she was. Does that make sense? If you have ever had a deep love for someone that is unable to communicate with you, then you understand. When our babies are hurt, crying, and unable to tell us what is wrong; if you have ever held a friend that is in a coma; if you have ever held a loved one that has dementia; then you understand.
Someone recently asked me, "Why do you still go to see your mom? She doesn't even know who you are". My first response was incredulous "What are you talking about?! I won't stop seeing her!!".
But then I paused to examine why... why do I still go? If she doesn't remember me.....
My mom doesn't know who I am, but she knows me. When her eyes look at mine, when she takes my hand and brings it up to her face, when she listens to me. She doesn't always see me, she doesn't always hear me. But she knows me.
And I know her.
She is my mom. Always and Forever. I love my mom
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