Thursday, 2 August 2012

#9 Fancy

So, everything changes yet nothing changes. Our mom is now back at Delta View in Ladner. She is trekking to RiverView once a week to have her ECT. Apparently after September 16th she'll be trekking to RCH for her ECT. Really? Delta Hospital is a 7 minute trek. Talk to the hand, their faces aren't listening. A sidebar here. I saw a sign. "I wasn't hitting you, I was just high-fiving your face". Delta Hospital person? High 5.

But on the happy side, our Mom really likes her bus/car/ambulance/ just about any form of transportation rides!

She was loving her life in this moment!  Watching cars, people, even commenting on the sunshine ;).  And you must admit, she really does suit that hat!  Don't know who's it is.... but that is one of the perks of living in care.  Daily 'shopping trips'!   And that droopy flower hanging out of her button hole?  That is my version of a corsage ;(   It would have looked a little perkier if I had remembered to take the safety pin to secure it to her blouse.  But if I had done that, she wouldn't have been able to do this:

or this:

She really liked this flower!  And to be honest, it really didn't smell like anything at all.  But for that day, in that moment, this pink carnation rocked her world!
Not nearly as much as these rocked my world a couple of days later...

So happy that Deans Flowers have moved from KGB to a location near Hwy 10 and 152.  Right on the way to moms!  This makes my mom happy (even if she doesn't know it)

Because really, we have 2 choices here.
      #1 - open the door to her room and inhale the smell of poop
      #2 - open the door to her room and smile with the fragrance of lillies

no brainer

scarf #9

And so, this scarf.  Fancy, fun, a real weird one to knit actually.  And guess what?  Mom did not actually knit a row on this one.  wayyyyyyy too hard.  There will be 1 or 2 (3 or 4?) exceptions to the "knit one row" clause. 

 Looked up the word 'exception', and one of the definitions is 'special case'.  For those of you that have had Alzheimer's Disease touch your life, you know that there are no rules with this disease.  There are some things that are fairly standard, but each person exhibits their own version of AD. 
Let's have fewer special cases.  Let's have more research, more discoveries, better treatments, and yes, hope.

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